Perhaps I'm not understanding this thread correctly (I haven't read every
post in the thread - sorry), but I've always thought of mastitis as an
actual infection that requires more than the typical engorgement-type
remedies.  In other words:  in addition to nursing often, rest (as if she
wants to do much of anything when she has a fever!), and heat (yes, I
suggest heat prior to nursings) - they need a *doctor* IMO, and probably a
course of antibiotics.  In my experience recurring mastitis is often
mastitis that hasn't ever yet been treated with antibiotics.  And not just
for 2 or 3 days; some clients don't finish the bottle.  If she has a fever
and has lots of bodily aches/pains (i.e., symptoms not confined merely to
the breasts - that's mastitis) then she needs a doctor, IMO, along with
whatever tips I can give her about the breastfeeding situation specifically.
My bottom line?  Fever, feeling like you've been hit by a Mack truck.  Those
symptoms send you to a doctor ASAP, if you're a client of mine :-)......
Regina Roig Lane, BS, IBCLC for Miami-Dade County WIC

        -----Original Message-----
         Our treatment usually has cabbage leaves and ice, along with the
        attachment correction and removal of milk with baby or pump.  We
don't use
        warmth hardly at all anymore.  If it is used it is only for a short
        immediately prior to a pumping/feeding, not for long periods.
However, most
        all the literature list it as a first step.  How many of you use it
        We find the ice/cabbage leaves tx reduces the edema and inflammation
so much
        quicker to help with the milk removal.  Soooo, what is everyone else
        If ice/cabbage tx works best, how much longer until it gets into the
books so
        others can use it as reference?  Thanks,
        Evonne Davison RN, IBCLC

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