> re: alergenic
>  the german commision e says:  no  contraindication. no known side effects,
>no known interactions with other drugs.
>   promotes healing/antiinflammatory and granulatory action in topical
>applcaiton has been described.

Are you talking about calendular, the herb (a kind of marigold), often
used in homeopathic and herbal remedies for skin inflammation etc. or
Calendula, the proprietory, brand-named cream, which includes corn oil
in it's ingredients, and until recently, had arachis (peanut oil) in it

The first is probably not allergenic since I believe they use the
essential oil which is very pure and unlikely to contain the proteins
that can trigger allergies and obviously, homeopathic preparations can't
trigger allergy as they are too dilute; but the brand-named cream is
very allergenic, I can attest from personal experience (my leg swelled
up when I applied some Calendula massage cream). Calendular flowers can
be very allergenic too, since they contain pollen that affects some
hayfever sufferers.

Obviously, side-effects and contraindications are quite a different
matter to allergy.
Anna H.
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