I too went to the nomas conference that Carol went to and I am still
I am an OT who 10 years ago was a NICU OT evaluating feeding with a
bottle. A confession I am no longer proud of.  I agree that MMP has great
info for evaluating suck/swallow issues.

I am frustrated with the fact that in this realm, breast feeding is
looked at no different than bottle feeding.  I have always prided myself
in being in a progressive field that looks at all sides of the big
picture. Somehow we need to educate more, not only to mothers, but other
health care people.  They too could encourage a reluctant mom to do
something really meaningful for their sick child.

The other thing is we need more studies on "normal"  full term infants
that so many of us see with disorganized feeding issues. It's not just
the NICU premies!

Just my need to vent too.

Jill Andrews OTR,CHT, LLLL
Louisville, CO

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