Hello Lactnet ,
I have a student who gave birth to a premie a month ago. As of this date
the little one is just barely 3lbs. 6oz. Mom does have a double pump
mini electric that is loaned to her and for two weeks  she is pumping
approx. every 3 hours, maybe 4 hours through the night. Altogether she is
only producing  about 10cc per day. I did suggest she pump more often during
the day , every two hours and pump longer......at least 20-25 minutes at a
time. I also feel she needs to use a Lactena but she cannot afford the
rental.  She has ask about pills to increase her milk supply. I realize
their are natural herbs that may help, but I need help
on this....Could her OB suggest a drug that might help or just go for the
herbs? Please e-mail me private if necessary or send help on the net!!!!
I am a student LC that teaches basic breastfeeding and need info on the
herbs and premies........
Paula Livinston, SLC
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