On a personal note, I had cracked, bleeding, very painful nipples for
months with my 2nd child when I had not had any problems with my first.
It felt like she was biting me. No one could see an anatomical problem.
No problems with wt gain though she was always plump and healthy. When
she was older (maybe 2 yo), the dentist commented that the labial fren.
may need to be clipped if it spaces her teeth. She is still nursing at
4.5 y.o.
With your client, when did the clipping occur? Has it been several weeks
or months of bf first? Hasn't it been discussed before how the pain can
sometimes persist because the damage still has to heal and even some
component of Raynauds can be sometimes seen.?

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, USA
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