Have had a client like this complicated by use of hormonal birth control
which she did stop taking. Never did get a full supply, used nursing
supplementer (SNS) to suppl at breast.
Is your client on metoclopramide (reglan)? Could she be prescribed that
by her doctor? I have seen much better results with this than the herbs
although I usually go for the herbs first as this is less risky as far
as side effects.
Also you said she didn't care for the SNS. Could she rig her own simple
supplementer? I have used a #5 or #8 FR infant gavage (feeding) tube at
the breast and with the end of it dipped in the bottle of formula
supplement (you can thread it thru the nipple - with a hole cut in the
nipple - to secure it). I think Dr. Jack has a handout on this. (Jack,
don't hold back on your handouts either, I use them like crazy). This is
pretty simple. The baby is fussy coming off the breast probably due to
low milk there. Having the supplementer at breast should help with this.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, USA
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