And I think that is Oakfield (sp?) California....I am involved with a task
group here in the North East of England which is charged with looking at
breastfeeding improvement, on behalf of the Government's Health Action Zone
programme (HAZs are areas where government money is available specifically
to address inequalities in health). It looks like we will be able to get a
pot of money for supporting bf, which is great.

The question that came up today was the gift packs mothers get. In the UK
(see previous discussions) these are by law sort of halfway bf-friendly (no
samples or ads for formula but ads in the booklet for bottles and teats,
and coupons for weaning foods). We call them Bounty bags after the company
that distributes them.

Our chair says she has seen/heard that the Bounty company distribute in the
US and that the packs given out in Oakfield are especially  wonderful and
bf-friendly...and could be a model for us. I need to know from someone
there if this is true and why/how it differs from the discharge packs
posted about on the list which have samples etc in them.


Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc Newcastle upon Tyne UK