A mom phoned me last evening asking about formula and the best way to
wean her baby. She has had a frustrating go of it and I give her credit
for BF'dg this long (baby born Thanksgiving, Canadian, that
is...October). She has had ongoing problems with yeast due to a
susceptibility for same d/t celiac's disease. She has never been to a
specialist for her celiac's (I suggested that she find one) but has been
to conferences etc to find out as much as she can. She has gone the
route of GV and Diflucan for very painful yeast...these have helped.
However, because her diet is fairly restricted to start with, and she
has tried to cut out yeast enhancing foods from her diet, she is now
suffering from "cement-like" stools. She is eating grains, brown rice
and flax seed and lots of vegetables. Sounds like a fairly decent supply
of fibre but it has not helped. She also drinks about 6 litres of water
a day. Also taking acidophyllus (spelling?)The yeast problem is only
partly gone as she still has some reddish spots on the nipples. We
corrected latch problem already and she has been to see Dr. Jack and
will call him again. She also has bowel fissures now due to hard
stooling. She was wondering if the hormones involved with breastfeeding
could be affecting her digestion and absorption of water. Her baby is
nursing about 6-8 times per day and milk supply is diminishing. I asked
her to persevere until she had seen the good Dr. Jack and until I had
sought advice from Lactnet. I was wondering if anyone knows the systemic
effects of breastfeeding on this friend's celiac problem. She seems to
have no end in sight to pain from top to bottom. Wanting to help.....

Dana Haas R.N. IBCLC

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