Well, ain't that interesting?  There have been two mentions of an ad for this
face cream:  ""You're never too old for your formula," says the latest Clinique

Whereas, when I saw it on a large cardboard sign in a department store (that
teat is really in-your-face) and bought a copy of Feb "SHE" magazine to get a
copy to keep for my file of horrors, the UK text (written on the side of the jar
of cream which has the teat on top) is:  "Clinique turnaround cream reveals
newer skin".  In tiny letters along the side of the page to the centre of the
mag it says "Reveals newer, more baby-like skin."

Now, we know they paid some ad experts a lot of money for these slogans.  What
does the difference tell us about the respective US/UK cultures?  Answers on a
postcard please.....

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding supporter
Breastfeeding Network, UK