I had a very interesting case while doing pre-registration for birth
yesterday. The woman was telling me that she had a high pain tolerance.
She went on to illustrate by telling me that she was bitten by a horse
in 1995 - her whole breast was in the beast's mouth. The breast turned
black and she was in incredible pain. She told no one for at least a
week about the incident because the same day there was a death in the
family and she did not want to trouble them further. She was in another
country at the time and did not seek medical help until (I can't
remember how much) later. She had surgery to remove some scar tissue.
Apparently, there has been nerve damage to the breast but not the nipple
area. The surgeon has told her that she should be able to breast feed
without problems with supply. I imagine that there will be a greater
probability with pain associated with increased size and some
engorgement and possibly let-down? Any advice to help us when she has
her baby? She didn't think she would need pain meds in labour. I am
willing to give her the benefit of the doubt!!!

Dana Haas R.N. IBCLC  Kitchener, Ontario

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