Royce posted:  "I received a prompt, polite reply stating "Mead Johnson
observes the WHO Code in developing
countries; this particular ad was only distributed within the United
States" "  and asks "Am I missing something???????"

NO, you haven't missed anything.  You are watching company tactics in action:
according to the new little booklet from IBFAN "Complying with the Code?  A
manufacturers and distributors guide to the code" (p.52):

"Isn't the Code Universal?

Nestle and other IFM members have committed themselves to confrom to the Code in
its entirety in developing countires yet in 'developed countries' they commit
themselves to marketing practices "best suited to consumer needs."

The International Code applies to all countries.  The preamble to the Code shows
that no country is free from adverse effects on child health and nutrition of
artificial feeding".

At the risk of repeating earlier posts, I can only say that the International
Code should be essential reading for anyone working in the area of infant
feeding (not breastfeeding, infant feeding).   In my own experience it repays
the effort to reread it regularly.  I also find reading the new golsses which
appear (like the one cited -- thanks to Jean Geary of INFACT for posting to the
list about it and alerting me to its existence!!) useful in gaining an ever
deeper understanding of this international piece of work which sets boundaries
that underpin all the work we do --and that others may do -- in the area of
feeding babies.

Magda Sachs
Area Contact, Baby Milk Action
Breastfeeding Supporter, BfN , UK

p.s.  Has anyone guessed my not-so-hidden agenda?  That *everyone* should
familiarise themselves with the WHO/UNICEF International Code of Marketing of
Breast Milk Subsititutes?  If you disagree with this aim, I would love to hear