
I find this fascinating. I'm not one who can smell this.

I have also heard that some people have the ability for hearing
vibrations around people that helps them determine what is out of sync
with their health. They replace the missing sounds to help promote the
body's healing.

Interesting stuff.

Assunta Osterholt, IBCLC   (So. suburbs of Chicago, IL)
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> Can anyone else *smell* an elevated direct bili? The docs used to think I
> was nuts, but I can usually tell by sniffing the kid if it's a problem or
> not. Can't describe what it smells like, but I know it when I whiff it. (I'm
> also gifted at sniffing out UTIs days before other sx. appear, and I have
> many times smelled postpartum hemorrhage just walking down the hall - makes
> for a funny-sounding nsg. note.) Well, we take our special gifts where we
> find 'em!