1.  Allergies, I have a G2 P1 mom who will be delivering 3/5/99 via
repeat C-S.  Her first child has severe allergies to milk, fish, eggs and
nuts.  The child has anapylactic reactions to eggs.  Mom wants to do all
she can for this child to avoid allergies.  I asked her to stop elimiante
any dairy products from her diet, although her child allergist didn't
feel this is necessary.  Would you have this mother also eliminate eggs,
fish and nuts from her diet?  Mom has a Rice product she uses but I can't
remember the name right now.

2.Wanted to share this story with folks who can really appreciate the
benefits of breastfeeding.  We had a full term male infant delivered
Wednesday afternoon.  Mom, a primip,  was bottle feeding.  By 10PM, the
baby had barely taken 3/4 oz of formula.  When I came to work on Thursday
(I also work as a case manager), I was informed that the baby had not
retained any feedings, regardless of the formula.  We sent my daughter to
the store to buy a P_____Nurser because the mother told us her sisters
baby also had this problem and it was solved with the P______ Nurser.
Well, our baby gagged with this bottle nipple also.

I suggested that we try cup feeding, but after seeing the baby suck
without difficulty on the mothers finger, I suggested finger feeding.
While the nurse caring for this Mom/Baby couplet was out getting the
feeding tube, I asked the mother if she had ever considered breastfeeding
her baby.    As I was asking  the mother, who was cradling the baby in
her arms, this little boy turned his head completely toward me as if to
say, "that's right, I want to breastfeed!"  She told me she would if it
would help her baby.

Although my colleague informed both mother and myself that breastfeeding
wouldn't make any difference, we decided to give it a try after the baby
gagged with finger feeding each time the feeding tube was introduced.  (I
suspect that it was the larger bolus of food that was affecting the
baby.)  The baby went to breast and nursed well, then went to sleep.
After 24 hours of no feedings, the baby fed on demand for the next 24
hours, started voiding and stooling and was quite content.  Mom, who is a
red head, and we all know what that's supposed to mean, had intact
nipples, no evidence of poor positioning.  I pray she will continue - she
was quite proud of herself.

Thanks for the opportunity to share my long story -

Christine Raasch, RN, IBCLC
Menomonee Falls WI
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