Today (2/2) Dr. Laura made a comment on her radio show that promoted bf.
Dr. Laura is a famous U.S. radio personality and book author
(psychologist, I think) and people call in with their moral dilemmas.
Anyway a mom called in to ask how she should negotiate with her husband
the fact that she wants to stay home with her 6 mo old,now in the care
of other family while mom works (since baby was 2 mos old). Dr. Laura
replied that mothers should not negotiate this, that "this is
non-negotiable (as long as the fathers could reasonably provide the
income) and that babies should be with their mommies, sucking at thier
breasts, and nipping at thier noses." Soemthing like that. I thought
this was great since the baby was 6 mos old. And that the mom should
just inform her husband that "I love you dearly and starting Monday I
will be staying home with the baby." If anyone knows how to contact her
to send mediawatch postcard, please email me.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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