My IBCLC coworker who is also Lamaze childbirth educator called my
attention to 2 great articles in recent J of Perinatal Education. Don't
remember seeing them brought up on lactnet at the time.

Scheduled this God's order? by Kathleen Auerbach, PHD,
vol 7, no 3, 1998
This is excellent about Ezzo teachings and ways to truthfully and
tactfully be prepared to answer questions about this approach

Questions from our readers
Helping Women decide to bf: beyond the breast is best by Judith Lothian,
This is excellent re weaving the bf all thru the childbirth classes as
the norm, and is applicable to situations outside of the childbirth
class, addresses the guilt thing, formula samples, and more.

P.S. Yes, you are right again Dr. Jack, us women over 40 do have many
wonderful attractions. And the men, too.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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