I found Cathy's post very interesting and useful.  I have long thought to myself
"The local midwives and health visitors are, for the most part, local women --
no wonder they share the local attitudes to breastfeeding".  It was good to hear
such  thoughtful words from someone who is inside that expereince in a way I
will never be (as Im not a hcp).

There is, however, an interesting aspect to this:  what about our own dedication
to promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding?  Doesn't that too come,
ultimately, from our own "mom-selves" (love the term)???  When we dress it up as
'health advantages of breastfeeding' and 'ultimate savings for the health
service' -- and, yes Ma'am, I've done it too and lots of times!!! -- are we in a
way being a little bit disingenuous?

Recently I was leading a study day for our volunteer Breastfeeding Supporters
and HCPs.  A midwife asked why we all spent so much time devoted to something
which she does because she is paid to do it.  Someone asked her if she is
invoved in charity -- yes-- why did she do that?  and got her to think about it
that way.  I feel that we could, with advantage, examine our own motives for
being breastfeeding advocates, and being somewhat more up-front about them.

Its hard.  Being interested in child health (and don't get me wrong, I am not
uninterested in health issues) is a legitimate reason to work towards
breastfeeding goals.  Is that why we really really do it?

I know, that for me, that is not really the reason.  As I have said before, I
know that if I had another baby and it could be demonstrated that there was no
health benefit either way in this case, I would breastfeed.  Infact, in my heart
of hearts I am pretty convinced that if someone could demonstrate that, in this
case there were health DISadvantages to my breastfeeding this baby, I would do
it.  It is part of who I am, who my mom-self is, part of my relationship with my
children, with the natural world, with other women world-wide and with history
(these are my personal reasons).

With this agenda hidden away in my heart -- and in that of other breastfeeding
advocates???? -- no wonder those who feel differently -- as Cathy described so
well -- resist our messages.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter
The Breastfeeding Network
Saddleworth, Greater Manchester, UK (where the sun is shining for the moment--I
repeat, moment)