If the mom has milk, but the babies won't latch or suck effectively for
her, I can't see that they will latch and nurse for you. Granted you are
more expereicned with bf, positioning, and have the confidence, etc.
What if the babies still won't or cant' nurse on the mom after you
"teach" them.? She still has to learn the positioning etc. This may
cause lots of confidence problems and resentment of you, not to mention
whatever confusion the babies may feel. I think lots of kangaroo care
and cont. practice and tincture of time, all the while supporting the
milk supply. Remember these babies had a difficult time and are
separated from mom (even if she is there, in a hosp setting,it is not
the same as bedding in). They were probably a few weeks early (did you
say 36wks or so) and this of course affects feeding in some.

Re no stools:
Yes I've heard baby's going about 28 days I think. I tell the parents to
make sure the baby is happy, passing gas or you hear their stomach
sounds (they always are), and the abd is soft and not taut and
distended. Had a call this week, where the excl. bf 7 wk old was
thriving and happy and the pedi prescribed colace (don't know the
generic) stool softener. The mom really didn't want to give it. She
seemed very reassured becoz the babe was content, etc. and usually has a
big blowout stool after a week.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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