Does anyone have any hints on managing breastfeeding with triplets?
This set of triplets was born at 36 1/2 weeks, born vaginally. Birth
weights were 6 lbs 8 oz., 5 lbs. 13 oz., and 5 lbs. 12 oz. Mom would
like to breastfeed exclusively, but has not met anyone via the mothers
of multiples groups who have successfully breastfed exclusively
triplets, and has been told that this is an unrealistic expectation.
The father is very much into "scheduling" and has read "Babywise"--wants
infants on an every three hour schedule.  Weights today at home visit
were 6 lbs. 2 oz., 5 lbs. 9 oz., and 5 lbs. 8 oz., each are receiving 20
ccs pc of formula.  (Family is in process of renting an electric double
breast pump).  Voids and stools are 6 - 8 per 24 hr. period for all
three.  More volume of milk evident with breast feeding now (i.e.--milk
has come in).  She is able to breastfeed two at the same time, followed
by the third baby, and has a rotation schedule going for who gets to be
first, second and third at breast.  I have suggested using breast
compression for the smaller two infants, who are more sleepy with
breastfeeding, to increase volume.  The parents seem to be receptive to
more frequent feedings for now and being somewhat flexible.  Any other
suggestions would be welcomed.

Linda Moore, RN, IBCLC
in rainy Washington