Diane:  My guess with this pattern of incomplete duct drainage and
mastitis is that there's yeast in them 'thar hills.  Whether the chicken or
the egg...I think treating it agressively will solve the problem.  What I
mean is that yeast can actually CAUSE plugged ducts, and cause babies not
to fully open their mouths (think of vaginal yeast--would you want to
stretch those tissues?)  Anyway, if yeast invades the ducts, filaments of
yeast can cause plugged ducts; resulting in bacterial mastitis from milk
stasis.  However, we all know the reverse can be true (bact. mastitis
begets antibiotics, which begets yeast).  Treat the yeast topically
(clotrimazole or gentian violet), systemically (fluconozole), intestinally
(Lactobacilli and FOX), dietarially, and deal with the ductal inflammation
with NSAIDs such as Ibuprophen.  As a reminder, I had a paper in MIDWIFERY
TODAY on treating yeast with non-prescription means.  There's also plenty
of expertise right here on LN. 'Hope this helps.

: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]  : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340   : )
: )------------**CHANGE THE WORLD, NURTURE A CHILD!**------------------ : )