To Dee Dee Whalen and all,
       When we brought home our first baby 9 years ago, our dear neighbor
across the street, a retired gentlemen who had 4 children, said to us,
"Oh, you brought the boss home."  I thought to myself, "What does he
mean, the boss...... we are the parents!!"
Well he turned out to be right!  When the baby cried, dirtied his diaper,
needed anything, I jumped up and took care of him.  Oh, for the days when
their problems could be solved with Mama or the contents of a diaper bag!
 Bigger kids, bigger challenges.  But it's all wonderful.  Now we ski
together and my son accompanies me on the chair lift because I am afraid
of the height!  The whole family takes turns going up the hill with Mom.
He also does an Elvis voice that is a riot.
      Congratulations on your imminent arrival, Dee Dee. Hope your family
lightens up a little and respects your wishes.
      Susan Potts RN IBCLC  Minnesota

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