Cathy...........Thank you SO much for your words of encouragement. I will
certanly remember what you said about making small changes just by my attitude
and being respectful and accepting of other ways of doing things. I am now
recalling what I said to my preceptor (and her alone, thank God!!) that I
wouldn't want to have a baby in this hospital. I didn't even think about what
I said before I said it. She asked why, of course, and I found my self saying
that they do too many things to you here when a perfectly natural thing is
happening to birth. We aren't sick birthing, it's a natural
thing. But I know this a lactation list and I am getting off-track.

Anyway, supporting breastfeeding and bonding just aren't done at my hospital
to the most optimum. And your suggestions will carry me a long way. We are
getting a new nurse manager in a couple of weeks and the other campus she
comes from, I'm told, has a wonderful lactation support staff and program that
I'm hoping will be helpful.

Thanks again for your input, Cathy.

Vickie, RN