These posts brought to mind my co-Leader's 4 daughters.  For the most part
they were minus the charts and extremely healthy!  The pediatrician she used
for her third child insisted she stop breastfeeding immediately and give
formula!  My friend told her that under no circumstances would she wean and
that her baby was following the same growth pattern as her older girls.  At
this point my friend found a new pediatrician.

Incidentally, my friend is about 5' tall and her husband isn't a giant either.
She also was a small baby.  (We have a gastroenterologist in town who tells
mothers that heredity has nothing to do with weight gain! And that is a whole
other post!)

Another child later, who also has the same growth pattern, 3 of the four are
honor students, one of which is in the gifted program.  The other is right up
there.  So much for brain damage.  Yea, they told her that too.

Linda Barrett, IBCLC