Hi All,
I'll have to gently disagree with Pamela about the faltering milk supply and
growth spurt issue.  Granted I am sure there are those moms who do not take
care to BF the baby as often as the baby needs (and to keep up her supply)
and so when the baby starts to fuss more and demands more BF, then yes it
could very well be a case of faltering milk supply.  But, For the average
mom who is BF on demand (on cue, whatever) when the baby starts to demand
more BF, I seriously doubt that it is because the mother did something
(unintentional or not) that caused a faltering milk supply.
I have worked with many many moms who have been avid BF'ers and BF their
babies whenever the baby wanted and right around the general growth spurt
age (2-3 wks, 5-7 wks, etc) their babies became fussy, fretful and would
demand to BF very frequently.  Many times the moms would notice that the
baby could no longer fit in the clothes they wore the day before.  Now, I
don't see this as a faltering milk supply, I see this as a baby who is going
through some serios growing pains and needs to BF for comfort and/or the
baby needs more milk than before and is acting to increase moms supply.  I
have also worked with a number of moms whose babies simply grew and never
seemed to hit that growth spurt and the mom would call and ask if they were
doing something wrong!  :)
I think it is "baby" thing in most cases; in other words, some babies grow
in a constant manner and others grow in fits and spurts (my 1st 2 boys were
constant, my 3rd a fit and spurt kid).  Also, some moms pay more attention
to their kids and watch the babies cues and others simply don't.  Maybe we
simply have a number of dynamics that are causing these happenings with
these babies.

Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento, California, West Coast, USA
"No Miracles performed here, just a lot of love and hard work."