A question:

If an infant breathes ONLY through the nose for the first 6 months of life,
then why, when my baby had a horrid cold (possible pertussis) at 2 mo and
could not breath through his nose he was so congested, did he survive?  Why
did he did he suck, swallow, unlatch, breath, latch, suck, swallow, unlatch,
breathe?  I guess he was an amazing enigma of  the human species.  I guess
then, so are hundreds of babies, who when so congested they can't breath
through their noses so breath through their mouths before the age of 6 mo..

I apologize, but Nursing 99, Jan makes no sense to me.

Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento (State Capital), California, West Coast, USA
"No Miracles performed here, just a lot of love and hard work."