Thank you Cathy for your comments, I agree, we all have something to
offer in a discussion and we should respect the knowledge that each
possess.  There are no "stupid questions", we are all trying to learn
something.  When one dismisses another out of hand or becomes
condescending it demeans us all.  We each, Dr., LC, doula, LLLL, RN, etc.
have a different perspective to share and can learn from each other and
broaden our own usefulness.  Being ridiculed for making a comment leads
to making no comments and then who would post to the list and what would
we learn?  I want to read the questions, comments of others as part of
continuing my education and staying abreast (pun intended) of new
developments.  We may not always agree but then life would be awfully
dull wouldn't it?
My .02
Adele Delgado
coming up on 20 yrs as LLLL, seen a lot but there is always something new
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