
If you are disturbed by the content of an article you read in the BMJ on-line,
you have an opportunity to make your point by choosing to make an electronic
reply to the article.  Compose beforehand, click on the icon and follow the
proceedure.  The reply is then checked over by someone at BMJ and is usually
on-line in a day or so.

There have been some very vigorous debates on bf related topics in the eBMJ
'recent rapid responses' since I started reading this summer.  It is a great way
of getting to some of the medical profession!  To get into the print journal
with a letter requires some kind of editiorial proceedure and takes a long time
-- a rapid response is pretty instant.

Magda Sachs
The Breastfeeding Network, UK
(I changed planes at O Hare to get back to UK just as they were getting ready
for that big storm)