Having just gotten over this problem personally I agree with Linda.  Cup
feeding worked best for us since his tongue was bunched so tightly he'd
cut off the circulation to the tip of my finger (incidently, that's why I
needed an alternative, he'd cut off the circulation to the tips of my
nipples which was quite painful).  My co-Leader suggested the cup also
since it would draw his tongue down.

.  I might also suggest getting rid of the pacifier and
>the baby suck on mom's finger between feeds.  Lots of skin-to-skin,
>warm baths
>with mom and no or minimal separation from mom. Body massage should
>also help
>this little one.
Using my finger as a pacifier allowed me to do some finger exercises with
him.  When I felt him start clamping I could wiggle my finger around and
he would eventually loosen his jaw and tongue.
This was from birth though.  Did this mom just start experiencing this or
was it from birth also?
After 4 weeks he finally got the hang of it and now he's nursing like a
pro.  No pumping, no cup feeding strictly nursing:-)
Stacey Bentz, LLLL, Lawrenceville,NJ

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