If these sort of things didn't happen now and then I'd lose it:

I recently had a lovely young couple (Dad a 3rd year medical
student) visit me to discuss BF and life with their 4 day old
infant. All was well. (That in itself was quite an event for me!)
A few days later I received a call from one of our OBs that
the mother had been admitted to a local hospital to rule out a
very ominous condition. I called the hospital and reached the
father. He told me he'd been trying to get in touch with me
because he had a questions about using formula.

Ah, most of you can relate to what then occurred -- I flew into
overdrive asking what meds were the culprits, etc. I told him
I'd be glad to look up all the meds. I assured him that many
medical providers have no knowledge of what is or isn't safe
while breastfeeding, but that I had references. The stressed
out father then listed the meds for me. It turned out that Mom
would, indeed, need to pump and dump for a few hours -- and
there was no time to pump ahead. I told the father he'd been
given the correct advice, and that BF could resume within 24
hours. I assured him that formula was the correct call in this

There was a long pause.

Then the father told me his questions about formula were
more basic: he had no idea how to use it. His mother was
visiting, and she didn't know how to use it, or how to use a
bottle. Moreover, the brother-in-law who was going to
purchase the formula (who has several children) was in a
tizzy -- he and his wife had no clue where to purchase
formula. No one in their family had ever had to deal with
formula or bottles!

I told him he had made my day and maybe my month. Then I
gave him the advice he sought.


Margery Wilson, IBCLC
PS: Mom and baby are A-OK now and 100% BF