The following is a forward (with the autor's permission, of course).  The
author is Denise Mercier, a woman who is looking for ideas that will be
incorporated into a proposal for a breastfeeding exhibit at a Science Center's
humanosphere in Canada.

If anyone has seen such a display, the info would be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Diane DiCarlo
Brooklyn, NY

She can be directly emailed at [log in to unmask] or you can send any info
to me and I'll forward it.

In a message dated 11/29/98 9:05:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< Well, I've joined the Sudbury Breastfeeding Coalition, which consists of
 a group of women (various health field experts, and bf moms), and whose
 goal is to promote breastfeeding and assist women in obtaining the help
 they need to faciliate bf in difficult circumstances (for example,
 pumping for preemies still in hospital, after mom has been discharged,
 and transporting milk to hospital). Anyways, I was given an assignment,
 and it's due on Friday. I need your help!

 We've decided that one of the best places to put up a breastfeeding
 display in Sudbury would be at Science North, a wonderful science center
 which attracts tourists from all over. They have a humanosphere on the
 upper level, and we feel that having a breastfeeding display up there
 would do so much to promote the health and cost benefits of bf. What I
 need to know, is, have any of you EVER seen a breastfeeding display in a
 science center ANYWHERE? If you have, I'd love to know where that was,
 because we want to present a plan to Science North, and it would really
 help us if we could provide examples of other places where they have
 such displays. I'd want to contact these places and find out how they
 went about putting up their displays, and what type of info they
 contain. We have some great ideas, but we want to do this right, since
 it could have such an important effect.

 I really hope that someone has seen such a display somewhere. It should
 naturally be part of any humanosphere part of a science center, and I
 can't believe that it doesn't already exist somewhere. Can any of you
 help me out?

 Denise >>