u.s. lactnuts,
thanks to those of you who made your comments on the website. you still
can til dec 15 i belive.  i saw some of your comments. if i had the
time, i would search the archives and ask permission to send some of the
very eloquent posts we see all the time which would be relevant to many
of the objectives.
anyway, obj 21 is hiv. under this is perinatal transmission of hiv and
the recommendation to avoid bf. if any one if so inclined to send a
comment asking that other options be at least explored and considered,
like use of donor milk, use of mother's own milk, bf for first few mos,
etc. I just don't like leaving the "do not bf" dictum all the way to
2020! without even leaving the door open to explore all the
possibilities.  sorry for the too fast typing.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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