I love all these observations that you make.  To comment on the discussion
between Jeanne and Deb (empathy with lost messages/Lactnets Deb, ouch!) when
Jeanne wrote, "In the first day or two of latching a baby on, baby may have
a tendency to tuck in the lower lip.  After latch, I may show a mom or dad
how to
use their finger to flip the lower lip out while baby stays at the
breast.  This is done gently, quickly, and mom usually reports greater
comfort immediately.  Nursing is more vigorous and effective instantly.
It's a "miracle".

Yes, I agree, for some babies the lower lip does, indeed, seem to tuck in,
the baby's jaw is not wide and s/he may seem to "hang" on to the breast
(seen from the side it looks as if the baby could have buck-teeth!).  I
sometimes find that the baby seems to be "tense" in the first few nursings,
until he knows how to do it well.  I'm beginning to wonder if this is not
related to lack of previous milk transfer (in other words, the baby is
hungry.)  This baby seems to be curled up tight, little fists very close to
the chin, it's hard to move the baby's arms away from the chest to get a
closer latch because the muscle tone very high, the lips are pursed and the
little jaw is clamping - perhaps hanging on for dear life?  After the baby
has had a few successful breastfeeds he seems to relax more, muscle tone is
less, jaw opens wider, both lips are flanged and the latch is consequently
deeper with better comfort for mom.

Just a thought, and wondering if I am interpreting this group of behaviours

Pamela Morrison IBCLC, Zimbabwe
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