Aloha Karen,

My son was a sumo.  He was 7 lbs. 8 oz at birth.  At 2 months, he was 14
lbs, by 6 months 22 lbs. and he continued to 25 lbs. at 1 year.  People
use to love to stop and grab hold of him.  My ped wanted to start him on
solids to slow his weight.  Of course, I didn't.  He slimed down once he
started becoming mobile.  At 5 years, he is about 40 lbs.  I know many
breastfed babies who grow like this.  My mil insists that my husband was
like this as a baby as well.  Hard to believe now, he is Vietnamese, very
slim.  I don't know if this weight gain would have anything to do with
the wheezing, but I am sure one of the doctors on the list may have an

Gloria Thai  Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawai'i  located 20 degrees North of the
who will probably outweigh my husband by the end of this pregnancy