I am working at a new job, helping with the construction and implementation
of a new birthing unit.  The chief of anesthesia has made it very clear that
they would like a 95% (yes, you read that right!) epidural rate for vaginal
births.  Of course, I am horrified and need some "ammunition".  What would
you suggest as the best source of information for me to use (research based)
that would tell the effects of epidurals on the babe?
Also, this hospital routinely tells moms who have any type of surgery that
they must stop BF for 24-48 hours (this is general anesthesia as well as
local with sedation).  Again, the best info on BF after anesthesia - I need
good researched data to start my campaign for the moms and babes in this
Dianne Kemp RN, BA, CPCE, IBCLC
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