
Monterrey Bay Aquarium:

A fellow mediawatcher alerted me to your Flukes, Flippers and Fun
exhibit in which baby bottles are used to depict how much milk a baby
whale drinks.  I know you had to use something to portray the amount of
milk,  however, please consider  using another symbol (a gallon jug or

You probably know that artificial (formula) feeding carries much greater
health risks for infants, children, and even their mothers.   Still, you
may think that the breastfeeding vs bottlefeeding decision is a choice
that each mother must make for herself, and that you would not want to
take a stand on such issues.  However, by placing baby feeding bottles
in your ads, you are in fact promoting the artificial feeding method.

The feeding bottle as THE symbol for how babies are fed is very
pervasive in the media.  Numerous health organizations, struggling to
promote the much healthier choice of breastfeeding, would like to see
that changed.   In a recent policy statement (Dec 97), the American
Academy of Pediatrics stated that practitioners should "encourage the
media to portray breastfeeding as positive and the norm."

I have visited your great aquarium and know that you are concerned about
ecology and the health of our planet.  Protecting and promoting
breastfeeding is of vast importance to the health of mothers and babies
around the globe.  I hope you will decide to make a simple change in
your graphics, as requested above.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Coordinator, Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet LA 70092
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Note: The Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign is part of the
National Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign, sponsored by the Texas Dept
of Health, an ongoing project of the Bureau of Clinical and Nutrition
Services.  For more information, call (512) 406-0744.

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