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Subject: Re: LACTNET Digest - 3 Nov 1998
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 07:47:47 EST
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I am tired of going on a full hospital "hide and seek" adventure when I do LC
rounds in our hospital for pumps.   We have 8 pumps on trolleys and yet they
sprout legs and run off.  I want to write some guidelines for distributing and
retrieving pumps from our inpatient rooms.  Have any of you found a successful
method.  We started puttiing library cards on them, but staff nurse and LC
compliance has failed that method.  Short of locking them all together like
furs in a department store I'm short on a good idea........  Any ideas or what
has worked for you in you facilities would be greatly appreciated.  I am also
the educational coordinator for our mother/baby unit.

Thank you in advance!
Shirley    e-mail = [log in to unmask]