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Subject: Fwd: milk storage
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 15:13:35 EST
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Subject: milk storage
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 11:32:54 EST
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I have been recommending the guidelines for milk storage as outlined in the
most recent Breastfeeding Answer Book whenever a mother asks about this. I am
not aware that there is any information more recent than that listed in the
BAB. I am therefore puzzled by the claim of a mother in a new moms' group that
is attended by one of my clients. When my client shared her milk storage info
(which had been printed out for her by YT) with the group, another group
member told my client that her "LC" said that those guidelines are very out of
date (?) and that she should never store *freshly expressed* breastmilk for
more than one hour. Help! I checked the archives right up to today to see if
somehow I had missed some new research that discredits the published
recommendations and found nothing. Is there something out there that I have
missed? Thanks for your help-- I certainly don't want to be giving out bad
information (but I sincerely doubt that there is any research to back up this
person's claim).
