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Subject: lactation and menstruation
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 07:22:33 EST
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I am working with a 34 year old Mom who is nursing her second child who is
three and a half. She has been nursing or pregnant for the past six years. Her
child nurses only two or three times a day for less than an hour total time
per day. The problem is that Mom has been getting her period every two weeks
for the past six months. No hx of endometriosis. GYN thinks it has to do with
breastfeeding and put her on the mini pill. Normal exam and pap. She is also
suffering from depression. Early perimenopause? I don't think it would be
related to the breastfeeding but does anyone have any ideas? She doesn't want
to stop nursing.

Maria Winschel LLLeader, WIC, NEW IBCLC!
By the way, I love lactnet . Thanks to everyone, I am learning so much.
Naples, Florida (way down in the SW corner of FL)