Hello all, your resident beef-eating country girl here with some words of
advice on the mammary glands of livestock...

Just a thought for you nursing ladies of past and present...when was the
last time you were stepping in, perhaps laying down in your own excrement
with your breasts exposed to said dung?  I know, a gross thought, but l
just wanted to illustrate that even betadine on a cow's udder ain't gonna
get it clean enough, why they are so prone to infection and another reason
why I don't drink cow's milk!  Humans aren't dragging the dirt or dung with
their mammary glands either so it's not a like comparison.

I hear it's best to use mild soap and water to cleanse a cow's udder before
hooking her up to a milking machine twice a day.  That's what I hear from
my friends at the vet school at Kansas State University (GO WILDCATS!) and
a friend who grew up on a dairy in Pennsylvania.

I believe I'll go toss our boys some hay and grain and shovel some steer
manure now.

And wow, you ask for help with a BF problem amongst your colleagues and
within minutes I've received several e-mails for help with my bottle
feeding problem-thanks all!

Have a nice day!


Maurenne Griese, RNC, BSN, CCE, CBE
Birth and Breastfeeding Resources  http://www.childbirth.org/bbfr
Manhattan, KS  USA
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