I have a bf mom of a 3mo old who has had back pain since the birth.  MD put
her on 800mg 3X/d of Ibuprofen and told her to pump and dump.   She says
"It's so sad to see my milk go down the drain, and listen to my baby cry"
  Yeech, I almost cried just
listening to her.  My Hale copy says only small amt gets into breast milk
even when
400mg are given, but she is on twice that much.   She says at first it
helped but now
she is in as much pain as ever.   She was going to a PT visit today which I
hope will
help her.     But in the meantime, can she breastfeed and take this maxi
dose of
Ibuprofen?   Long term doses like this cause liver damage, and even kidney
problems., So I hesitate to tell her to bf.   My inclination is to call the
MD to ask about less, or a different med.          Let's hear from you
Lactnetters.   Thanks.
Michelle Scott, RD,MA,IBCLC  in NH