"Mom is in the grocery store.  Old lady comes up to coo at baby, sneezes on
and baby.  Both are upset.  Mom nurses baby in the parking lot.  Germs from
baby's mouth go into the breast when baby nurses.  Breast begins
antibodies to those germs.  Baby nurses at night, begins getting those
antibodies.  3 days later, mom has the cold, baby doesn't, due to the
diathelic immunity."

Yes Ive heard of this. Cant recall a reference for it.
I did act on it last year after developing cold symptoms while
at work I came home and immediately kissed my wife
before touching our baby. She wasnt exactly thrilled at the
double purpose of my kiss, to get her exposed first but I
said "would you rather I sneeze on your breast?"

Rob Cordes, DO, FAAP, FACOP
Wilkes Barre PA
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