Aloha Donna,

Breastmilk is definitely used as medicine in our home.  When my kids
outgrow the bandaide stage for making "owies" better, they move into the
breastmilk stage on "owies."  This actually made me feel better as I
usually couldn't get them to consent to  a washing of the area right
away.  Even my husband has consented to milk in the eye when he's had eye

Recently, we went hiking.  My oldest got a nasty scrape from a fall.
Well, I finally convinced her to let me put some expressed milk on it
till we could get back for a proper cleaning, guess what?---I couldn't
express a thing.

Gloria Thai---Honolulu, Hawai'i
who wonders why at 4 1/2 months I decided to go hiking when it is
something I never do when I am not pregnant!

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