I found that the baby will do fine the day of the fast, it's the next day
that some moms will find that the baby needs to nurse more often. I
personally have fasted and breastfed through many a fast with no harm
that I could see. I think it's a matter of expectation--if you think you
will have a problem, you will have a problem. If this is normal for your
culture, you won't have a problem.....
I too would get frantic calls the eve of the fast, moms wanting to pump
their milk, moms being told to feed apple juice to the baby during the
fast....there are definitely exemptions for certain people; there are
ways of eating and drinking small increments that are stillcompatible
with fasting. BUT a local competent Orthodox rabbinic authority must be
consulted so that the method and amounts of eating and drinking will be
done within the correct guidelines.
Good luck to all who are fasting (me included and everyone in my
household-all three boys must now fast on their own....)
Pearl Shifer
NYC (now everyone knows where THAT is!)

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