One of the moms I posted about a few days ago had presented at 4 wks pp with
mastitis in her left breast which was accompanied by the milk from that
breast coming out literally gloppy. She has been straining her milk before
feeding the baby. Her other breast was not infected, but has given bloody
milk a couple of times that does not come from surface wounds. The only
cause I can think of for the bloody milk is an intraductal papilloma, but I
can't know for sure. As for the globby milk....

Diane Wiessinger is the only other lactnetter to post about globby milk, and
I believe her client also had had mastitis. Could the globby milk be the
result of an adenitis?  The production of milk on her mastitic breast
dropped 70% around the time of infection and has not regained much despite
pumping and clearing of infection. Has anyone else seen this?  I've seen
feathery milk associated with ductal yeast, but this is only the second time
I've seen globby milk.

This same mom's baby most likely has thrush. Ped did not diagnose it, but
she was going to start gentian violet yesterday. Mom is also doing lecithin,
fenugreek and acidophilus.

Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC