
It most probably is unlikely that any foreigner will know where Milwaukee is.

 And I hate to tell y'all,  having left the USA in 1982, I have to stop and
think which state WI is -- we didn't used to use the two letter abbreviation in
the olden days (hereby defined as pre 1982!!!).  I sincerely doubt if non US
people have mcuh grasp of where most states are.  When I tell people I am from
California, I am told about their auntie --does she live near by? -- who comes
from Florida/New
York/Toronto/Los Angeles (as a N. Californian, this is the worst assumption of

I agree in theory with the post asking for info on geography, but it is hard to
know how much explanation would be needed.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter
The Breastfeeding Network
from Uppermill, Saddleworth Moor, Near Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK