Janette's mother does sound upset and anxious, and in need of some support.

I am not a medic, but an 18 ounce weight gain between the fourth and fifth
month sounds okay in a healthy and normal baby, and I don't think it would
raise eyebrows too much even in clinics here where the weight chart seems
to rule everything - though there would be concern about the centiles,
which would be offset by the fact that this is still a respectable gain in
a healthy baby.  And don't some babies take a while to find 'their' place
on the centiles chart - some experts feel that birthweight  is not nec. a
good starting point anyway. It's actually quite an arbitrary figure when
you think of all the variables surrounding birth.

The green stools could be due to the formula she is having...yes?

Don't know of sig. of early blocked ducts - poss.  zero.

In short, from the info here, I seriously wonder if there *is* a bf
under-supply problem here ....but maybe the mother needs some bf-friendly
paediatric input to reassure her, and some good mother-to-mother stuff for
the support she needs about her current situation, and encouragement to
feed ad lib when she can.

What do others think? Is this just me?

Heather Welford Neil

NCT bfc UK