You posted:
"I am not against vaccinating, just to let you know.  I am for informed
choice, and correct information."

Then lets get some things correct.
You went on to say,

"I would hate to vaccinate my child against it at age
4, only to have him suddenly turn up with Chicken pox at age 14 or older(if
we don't re-vaccinate either at all or in time...it has to have a booster in
10yrs, which is what our Ped told us) and really get a bad case and end up

Varivax has been used in other countries and in US trials for 20 years and
those children are still immune. There is
recommendation for a booster in ten years. This is wrong!
See my MMR post ref to life long immunity for live
attenuated vaccines.
It was mentoined prevoiusly about increases in severe
chicken pox. I personally havent seen this. This has been
an increase in invasive Group A strep infections (flesh eating
strep) which can complicate chicken pox. I had one patient
with this. Changed my underwear after that
Chicken pox is now the number one cause of
vaccine preventable death in the US. What do you say to a
family whose child dies from a vaccine preventable

"Drs have known for years that the
measles vaccine does not "take" in infants under the age of 6 months.  (I
think it was 6 months, I can't find the article I read this in...)  So if it
doesn't "take" then why are we putting this stuff into our infants bodies?"

A previous measles vaccine given at 8 months didnt work
well because maternal antibodies interfered with it. Hence the
12-15 month recommendation.
True neonates and infant have less developed immune
systems but still have them. Give them some cedit please.
Hope that helps
(pediatrician Wilkes Barre PA)