I am working with a Mother who has no breast milk, not even moisture, on day 3
post partum. With her permission I will give you her hx. She is a prime,
prepreg wt was 190 and she gain 150lbs during her preg. (why is a puzzle) She
states she does not have Hypothyroidism. She delivered at 33 weeks gestation.
Her baby is in the NICU with the diagnosis of Preterm and ambigious genitalia.
She has been having trouble with depression for several months. Her doctor
wants her on antidepressants but because she wants to breast feed she does not
want to do this. She started pumping soon after delivery and pumps 8-12
times/24hrs. I did discuss fenugreek with her but not sure when to suggest she
start it. If you have any suggestions please send them to me by private E-mail
([log in to unmask]).

A. Kim Sweet RN, IBCLC