Hello to all:
I am writing once again to request you share your collective wisdom with me
and the mom of the lovely 6 week old boy I saw today.  Birth wt 6lbs 14 oz,
gained OK for the first 2 weeks, then went in at 1 month for wt check at
ped's office, and he was 6# 10 oz.  Ped steered them toward a bottle, which
they've been using, mom also has been pumping and is able to produce most of
what baby gets. He has gained v. well since supplementation was begun,
gaining 24 oz in about a week.  He latches and sucks, but rarely ever
swallows at breast.  Has short, tight jaw excursions, and digital suck
assessment shows a very weak suck.  He takes about 45 minutes to finish a 3
oz bottle (normal P-----x type, not my idea).
  During our consult today, i noticed that if I turn the pad of my finger
down onto this boy's tongue and apply firm gentle pressure downward and
forward (toward the gumline), that his suck improves DRAMATICALLY.  I set
him up to fingerfeed, and he finished 2 oz in about 25 minutes, with lots of
coaxing.  Mom commented that this was the best suck he'd ever had.
   So, any ideas on how to get this little guy back to breast?  They will go
home and finger feed for the next few days, with breast offered ad lib.
  TIA from Martha Johnson RN IBCLC in Eugene Oregon