The lay version of "Preparation for Parenting" is called "On Becoming
Babywise".  I read through portions of this book this afternoon while my
healthy, well-attached, secure and independent three year old nursling read
books about tractors and trucks on the floor in the room nearby...
  A couple of interesting tidbits:  that SIDS is four or five times less
common in countries with a warm climate (most third world countries, according
to Ezzo) so that it is the climate and not the co-sleeping that causes SIDS
deaths to be lower.  He also says that people in those countries only practice
family bed because they are poor not because they think that it is good for
their babies.  Ezzo contends that co-sleeping actually increases the risk of
SIDS (says that the AAP agrees with this contention) and cites cases of
overlying as proof.  My question is:  if there has been overlying and
therefore suffocation of a breastfeeding/co-sleeping infant, then is it SIDS??
Or is it a *known* cause- suffocation- and therefore has no place in the
"statistics" of SIDS deaths?
  Lisa Jones, LLLL in Wellington FL, USA