I think that our church showed the videos of these people a couple of
years ago and I remember bristling at the BF info. Since I believe that
only God can change a human heart, maybe the best (but not only) thing
that we could do for the bearers of this misinformation is to pray that
God would soften them to the facts. This is serious business in my
I know of at least 4 women in my church who have stuck to the scheduled
feeds of 6-10-2-6-10 for all of their children by about 4 weeks of age.
They are not hard and fast in that they don't ignore baby crises or
growth spurts. Maybe they are just doubly blessed or something but all
of their babies have been exclusively breastfed, have thrived to  be
pudgy BF babies. I was speaking to one of the women a couple of weeks
ago, and asked her how many times she feeds the baby in a day. The baby
is 6 months old and nurses about 4 times a day and sleeps all night (and
has for a while). Wet and dirty diapers within normal amounts. Baby has
only just started solids a few days ago.  No time restrictions are
placed on feeds. Most of the other women's babies have had about the
same "success". They all have at least 3 children. These mothers are
very attentive to their babies. It is puzzling to me and I don't seem to
be able to convince them of the issues because their babies are doing so
well. They never supplement. I would like, someday after I have finished
this degree (BScN), to interview these 4 or so women and find out what
their feeding practices and rationale are, get stats on baby's growth
patterns etc and submit it somewhere.

I too am a devoted Christian and I am disturbed by what people "preach"
claiming to represent God. It was He who created our breast physiology
in the first place.

I also would be interested to know how to access the info re: EZZO
method by Dobson and Sears.

Dana Haas R.N.
Kitchener, Ontario   IBCLC in waiting........